National Marriage Week is February 7-14, and World Marriage Day is Sunday, Feb. 9. We pray that couples and parish families will focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting holy marriages. This year's theme is "Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!"
The Diocese of Kalamazoo wants to help couples continue the Eucharistic Revival in their own Domestic Church... For details click here --- La Diócesis de Kalamazoo quiere ayudar a las parejas a continuar el Avivamiento Eucarístico en su propia Iglesia Doméstica... Para más detalles haga clic aquí ---
The 2024 diocesan marriage formation weekends for engaged couples are now open...The Joy-Filled Marriage process is a comprehensive marriage program rooted in virtues as well as the Theology of the Body. The program incorporates rich Catholic theology with sound psychology. More information, click here...
Para las parejas que prefieran vivir un retiro de formación matrimonial virtual (en línea) - por razones de distancia y tiempo; favor de ver el siguiente enlace del programa que se ofrece en español - o bilingüe también...
Online parish certification course for clergy, family life directors, and parish marriage prep coordinators. The online certification training includes core content, bonus content and ongoing support from our Parish Support Team.
Here are some helpful tips on how to grow in holiness, as a couple... The adventure of a lifetime (Marriage) has many ups and downs. As Catholics we are called to give of ourselves to each other as Christ gave/gives to His bride, the Church (all of us!) Click here to learn how...
“Marriage Is the Icon of God’s Love” - cherish your beloved spouse (husbands and wives) and make time during Lent (or any time) to have a spiritual retreat in your own home... on your own time... Click here for details.
The Diocese of Kalamazoo - Secretariat for Parish Life & Lay Leadership, has been selected as a 2022 Catholic Marriage Initiative (CMI) Fund Grant Recipient! With a goal of "Investing in Marriage", the CMI Fund was established to dramatically increase the availability of and participation in high quality Catholic Marriage Ministries throughout the United States. The Grant proposal we submitted has been found to exemplify the sort of efforts these investors consider worthy of their funding.
Coming in 2022, we are offering once again, the Joy Filled Marriage formation weekends for the engaged. Register early to reserve a place. Limited seating.
Join us for another 7-session series to build more eucharistic marriages. If you are preparing for marriage or married already; this formation course will help you grow in your relationship with each other as a couple, and grow in your understanding and love for the Holy Eucharist. Pre-registration is required. First session begins July 29th, 2021.
“Building a Eucharistic Marriage” Virtual Marriage Course - Join us for seven sessions on Zoom --- Thursday (and some Tuesday) nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, starting Jan. 5th and running on Jan 7, 12, 14, 21, 28, and Feb 4, 2021